Snow Patrol news & community since 2008.

Frequently asked questions

No. There is no official Snow Patrol fan club or community. TTB was founded because fans online wanted to connect and work on Snow Patrol related projects together. TTB has been online since 2008.

No. We do not forward mails to Snow Patrol, their management or record company.

What are ‘categories’?

Our categories help us to keep our news archives organized. Our categories are like drawers. There would be a drawer for interviews, one for reviews, one for videos etc. Just click the category drop down on the main home site and select a category to see all news from that category. Over the years we have created over three hundred categories.

Please check out our news archive or use the category drop down on our main page to find what you are looking for. You can also use the search bar on top of the website. If you still can’t find what you are looking for, do not hesitate to get in touch.

When we first started this community in 2008, people consumed news mainly via websites. We still share the most important updates on but make sure to join us on WhatsApp for all updates. You can find channels under the updates tab (formerly the Status tab). You can choose how you want to hear from us: notifications are muted by default. To get notified about new updates, you can turn on notifications manually. Read more about WhatsApp channels and your privacy here.

TTB forums were discontinued in August of 2019 after almost ten years. You can still log on and see the boards but posting has been disabled.

Why are your news no longer shared on Twitter / X?

Since April 2023 X (Twitter) overhauled its API (application programming interface) rules and pricing tiers, which led to developers being required to pay more to access the platform’s functionality via the API. Therefore, our host no longer offers this feature. We have, however, set up a WhatsApp channel. You can find channels under the updates tab (formerly the Status tab). You can choose how you want to hear from us: notifications are muted by default. To get notified about new updates, you can turn on notifications manually. Read more about WhatsApp channels and your privacy here.

Does use cookies?

We do not use cookies. However, our website features videos embedded from YouTube. Youtube keeps track of user preferences for Youtube videos embedded in websites; it can also determine whether the website visitor is using the new or old version of the Youtube interface.